Establishing Bloodguilt project

The Establishing Bloodguilt project began January 20, 2002.

It is an attempt to re-introduce the historic, biblical doctrine of BLOODGUILT to the evangelical, pro-life, Bible-believing church in America. It is important for Christians to understand OUR need to repent for the abortion holocaust.

As pro-life minister Mr. Mike Warren of Rochester, NY has said, “TRUE REPENTANCE IS NOT POSSIBLE UNTIL THE TRUTH REGARDING THE NEED OF REPENTANCE IS COMPREHENDED.” We Christians need to repent, but most Christians don’t understand why, because they have not been taught the Biblical doctrine of bloodguiltiness. The pulpits have failed to equip the people of God in Biblical Truth in this area.

The national project is sponsored by Operation Save America, Dallas, Texas. The first visit was planned in 43 cities nationwide, and is planned by OSA to continue on the third Sunday of each month. In Columbia, SC this project began with a visit January 20th outside First Presbyterian Church, A.R.P. after notification of the pastors on staff by the director of Columbia Christians for Life. On February 17th, a visit was made to First Baptist Church (S.B.C.). Columbia Christians for Life is planning, Lord willing, to continue taking part in this project each month. The next visit to a church in Columbia is scheduled for Sunday, March 17. Christian pro-lifers may call the CCL ministry office at 803-765-0916 to find out how to participate in this important outreach to the Body of Christ. The Church’s failure to repent will lead to further calamities of increasing severity, beyond the divine remedial judgment of September 11, 2001.

Below is the letter sent to Dr. Wendell Estep, First Baptist Church (S.B.C.) prior to the February 17th outreach conducted by two of the Lord’s messengers.

Dear Dr. Estep,

Perhaps you might wonder why your church has been selected as a venue for a Gospel proclamation concerning the murder of unborn babies in our city. The enclosed packet of information will be of immense value to you. The very future of our nation depends upon your response. The blood of over 45 million baby boys and girls (from surgical abortion alone, not counting chemical abortion), is crying out from the ground to our God. This voice will not be silenced until we, God’s church, repent.

Blood is coursing down the corridors of our schools, work places, and streets. We are losing our children to abortion, drugs, gangs, suicide, and violence of unprecedented order. God is being violently and systematically removed from our national conscience and we are suffering the horrifying consequences of our arrogant error.

The Church of Jesus Christ is the only institution ordained by God to turn our nation back to Himself. For this reason we must return to Him ourselves. His call is to us first – judgment begins in the house of God. As we humble ourselves, and pray, and turn from our wicked ways, God will hear, forgive, and bring healing to our land. Considering recent catastrophic events in our nation, our need for Him is obvious (2 Chron 7:14).

Columbia Christians for Life (CCL) is participating in the “Establishing Bloodguilt” project with Operation Rescue / Operation Save America. The leaders of both groups believe the biblical principles found in the Bible to be true. I’m sure you would agree. That is precisely why we are bringing this national campaign to the most evangelical, most pro-life churches in our cities. The mission is to reintroduce to you the biblical doctrine of bloodguilt. Just who is responsible for the innocent blood being shed in our land ? The answer may surprise you.

Our mission is to challenge the Church of Jesus Christ to repent of her apathy and indolence over the shedding of innocent blood, and defend unborn children who cannot defend themselves. We are calling upon your church to allow her evangelical theology to become biography in the streets of this city. Yes, we are calling you to bring the Church of Jesus Christ to the very gates of hell – the local abortion mill ! (P.P.) Those gates cannot prevail ! (The Lord has already closed four out of five of Columbia’s abortuaries.)

The national campaign began Sunday, January 20, 2002, planned in over 40 cities. The second Sunday planned is February 17th. There will be a Christian presence with graphic signs and literature that reveals the horrible truth of a sin so heinous that God said of it, in Jeremiah 7:31, “… something I did not command, nor did it enter my mind.” Murdering our own children never entered God’s mind !

Dr. Estep, the sin of abortion will not end in this nation until the Church of Jesus Christ makes up her mind that it will come to an end. You don’t have to wait for the President, the supreme Court, or the Congress to do what is right. Just bring your church right on down to the gates of hell – our God is looking for an excuse to show up, and do exceedingly, abundantly above all we ask or imagine.

I would be honored to meet with you prior to the visit on February 17th, to answer questions, and to pray with and for you. I would certainly appreciate your prayers for those that participate in this outreach to the Church in cities around the nation, including myself.

In Christian love,

Steve Lefemine, pro-life missionary director, CCL

Inclosures: Establishing Bloodguilt brochure / History of the Emancipation Proclamation (1863) brochure / Emancipation Proclamation for the Unborn / Brochure from Life Dynamics / “Their Blood Cries Out,” by Troy Newman, with Cheryl Sullenger / Schedule for Christian Presence at Planned Parenthood / South Carolina Abortion Statistics



Similar letters were provided to five pastors at First Presbyterian Church, Columbia, A.R.P. prior to the January 20th visit at that church

- Dr. John deWitt, sr. pastor* – Dr. Mark Ross, assoc. pastor* – Mr. Lance Hudgens, assoc. pastor* – Mr. John Hopkins, assoc. pastor* – Mr. Neal Mathias, assoc. pastor

* “Their Blood Cries Out,” a book on the subject of bloodguilt, was provided to those pastors marked by an asterisk (*).