Homosexual Day of Silence Outreach

PASADENA, CA – I was able to join in with the street preachers from CalltoRepentance.com for the homosexual’s “Day of Silence.”

At our first stop was at the Montclair High School outreach at 7 AM – orchestrated by local sidewalk ministry outreach Sharon Guengerich. It was great to see men from my church and Pastor Wiley Drake, who did a LIVE broadcast for Crusader Radio.I wish you all could have been with us today at the different campuses for the homo day of silent shame. It was a  wild day and good preaching.  Jason Storms and Ed Hart were also with us.

After Montclair High school, we went on to Glendale College where we met up with some brothers from the local Armenian church.

They were having a “Job Fair.” Jason and Ed saw the opportunity to set up a table at the “fourcorner” intersection and set up camp. It was outrageous! Lots of open conversations and hearts were broken – homosexuals even having us pray for them. It was a really awesome day! The best I have experienced in a long long time.

Later, we moved on to Pasadena City College. After picking a great spot – smack dab in the middle of another job fair and free speech zone – we unrolled our horizontal banner.

Soon we had quite the crowd, probably as many as 40-50 listening to God’s Word. The (on campus) Pasadena Police showed interest that God’s message on this banner might cause homosexual’s “repressed hatred” to escape into violence, and they came closer too.

The Lord was just too good today! It was great to see sodomites show so much interest in discussing God’s Word, and have lesbians break down and express a desire to escape the bondage’s of their destructive life style. When Jason told this one lesbian that God has a perfect man out there to be her husband that will love her, treat her as his bride as Christ does the church, and father children with her –  she just broke down. It did not matter that all her friends were standing there. She had been touched by the Eternal God.

The day ended at Pasadena City College with a probable homo grabbing the banner and running. Ha! Jason quickly caught up to him and tackled him- Ed also jumped on when the thief tried to get up and escape.  The police arrived promptly, and the thief charged with ‘Felony Robbery’ and taken to jail.All Christians released without charges.
Jason Storms has a soft spirit about him that I pray is contagious. I have learned a lot of being more soft spoken and showing the Love of the Lord and the true reason we take the time to go out there to confront sin in the first place.  God knows, I need to be softer in appearance while standing firm to the scriptural convictions of right and wrong. I was quite impressed with the wisdom and patience exhibited in this 25 year old. These guys are great top be around!If you have opportunity to go to the Unashamed and Associates’ street preachers conference www.unashamedandassociates.org   or to hook up with these guyswww.aCalltoRepentance.com   in some other venue.

I encourage this! You will be blessed.

Robert Ferguson
“Frolicking Frog”

Note: For those in the area, the next outreach is Friday night in “Old Town” Pasadena, and then this Sunday at Balboa Park in San Diego for “Earth Day.” Then it’s off to Glendale College again on Monday and Pasadena City College again on Wed.