Kenneth Hagin’s Rhema Ministries Shows Itself Proabortion

Shame – SHAME!!!!

MTTU News 11-29-02

Concerning the revocation of Pastor Mark Holick’s ordination by Rhema Ministerial Association due to prolife activities:

I am appalled that a group that names the name of Christ would dismiss one of its ordained ministers because his “prolife activities” in defending unborn children.

George Tiller is the worst abortionist in the entire country. He kills unborn babies up to the day of birth. Pastor Holick’s presence at his abortion mill was a beacon a light.

I have enjoyed Kenneth Hagin’s books in the past, but had a few reservations that have not been addressed until your un-Christlike attitude toward unborn children and your ministers who would seek to aid them. Now I see the root of Kenneth Hagin Ministries …  the “almighty” dollar reigns supreme – not Christ. My reservations were justified.

Why have you punished this pastor for doing what Christ would do? You claim you are a FAITH-based ministry. Where is your “faith” now – in deference to your lawyers admonition to dump the prolife pastor because of a possiblelawsuit???

You claim you are not “for abortion.” Obviously are not against it either as evidenced by your dismissal of a prolife pastor.

Your deed will be made known far and wide.

Steve Wetzel
director, Missionaries to the UNBORN