Planned Parenthood Fundraiser in “The OC”

by Robert Ferguson

ORANGE COUNTY, CA – The fact that funds were being raised to support an organization that committed over 300 thousand abortions in the US alone last year was reason enough to bring out the graphic signs and let their neighbors know just what kind of guttural morals resided in the hearts of their neighbors.

The seemingly peaceful community of Orange County’s affluent Corona Del Mar was disrupted when approx. 35-40 abortion abolitionists invaded their neighborhood where Afsaneh and Jalal Alisobhani of 1524 Keel Drive, Corona del Mar, Ca where plotting the raiser of funds for the willful killing of preborn children. Courageous Christians United with a number of other Christian groups were on hand to expose this wicked conspiracy.

I got there about an hour early and watched as proabortionists hid their faces as they learned that their shame was to be exposed to their neighborhood. Rev Wiley Drake came and shared in this outreach. This man is unlike so many pastors and we in So Cal are most fortunate to have him.

While Wiley and I waited for the time of the scheduled event, an ambulance and fire engine came ‘lights and siren’ and at first we thought it God’s answer to our imprecatory prayers for these baby killers but unfortunately the engine passed the blood house and went to the next door neighbor. Since we are Christians, we prayed. The EMTs wheeled out a man on a gurney and I was able to pray for this man very briefly as they loaded him in the ambulance, speaking God’s grace of “LIFE AND HEALTH” to him in the name of the Lord.

When our team had arrived, our orchestrator for the evening, Steve Klein explained that we would line the sidewalks directly in front of Ali’s house of blood and be witness to those who entered the pathway to the home. So many Christians came that the proabortionists had to park down the street and around the corner in some cases, and walk through the gantlet of graphic signs while we confirmed that THIS is what they stood for.

Local neighbors also against abortion came out to thank us for coming and that this was a job well done. They brought us waters. Even those residence who were pro-abortion had to admit that we had every right to be there. Though they were confused as to what was private and public property. Those PRO the willful killing of innocent humans usually do not recognize boundaries well.

Great discussions were heard under the righteous heralding of “SHAME” from ‘Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust’ filled the air, as those who wish to exterminate 1/3 of their generation came to an evening of Polynesian flavors and political inspiration called “POLITICS IN PARADISE”.

California Secretary of State Kevin Shelley and California State Senator Joe Dunn were met with the Truth Truck of Ron Brock circling the area letting them know that pro-abortion politics are a thing of the past in Orange County, so get lost if you are a friend of the abortion industry! We don’t want you here. You are not welcome here. (I just love Ron!)

The City Attorney and Police Chief of Newport Beach were most kind as their officers were on hand to protect our First Amendment, Fifth and Fourteenth Amendment rights to expose abortions darkness as Ephesians 5:11 mandates “And have no fellowship with the unfruitful deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.”

It was a great night of exposure. God be glorified.

Robert Ferguson The Frolicking Frogplague