James Anthony Mitchell

Some Favorite Authors

St. Theresa of Avila
C. S. Lewis
K. Chesterton
Fr. William G. Most
George Orwell
A. Huxley

Some Personal Heroes:

St. Maximillian Kolbe
Mother Theresa of Calcutta
Elijah the prophet
Rahab (Joshua 2)
Paul Hill (and all the rest of the POC List)
John Paul II

I openly admit that for most of my adult life I’ve ignored God and lived in open rebellion against His Law. I’ve lived as a promiscuous homosexual, frequently drunk and /or stoned on pot. I’ve dishonored my family and the church of Jesus Christ.

But of all my sins, I am most ashamed of daily allowing children to be murdered at the hands of those who are morally equivalent to paid hit men, serial killers, and child molesters. When we refuse to restrain, by legitimate and necessary force – those who perform such wanton violence – then we consent and participate in their violent acts.

When war has already been declared against helpless children, there is little virtue in pacifism. Often I believe “pacifism” is merely the refusal to defend other human lives as vigorously as we might want our own lives defended.

Abortion may be legal, but it need not be available. Our responsibility is to those in immediate danger – the children already scheduled for execution in the abortionists’ appointment books.

- Confidence in the Divine Mercy

Jim Mitchell